
$160.00 $40.00
The most awaited “Influencer Bundle”
Collaboration with Ana Octarina, Kadek Arini and Febrian! How amazing is this bundle?
You will get 22 presets!
This is the most exclusive and amazing series that we launch!
22 different presets
Sarah Series – 7 preset
Ana Series – 5 preset
Kadek Series – 5 preset
Febrian Series – 5 preset
One-click automated Lightroom filters (no user input required)
100% adjustable and customizable Lightroom presets
Compatible with both – iOS & Android.
Works well with your photos shot with your iPhone or Android device.
After you complete the payment you will immediately have the option to download the product(s) from the final purchase page and you will also receive a download email shortly after
▪Mobile Presets is perfect for your Adobe Lightroom CC Mobile App and works well with your photos shot with your iPhone or Android device.
▪Fun fact: Lightroom mobile is free for everybody! You don’t need an Adobe subscription to use these presets. Just download Adobe Lightroom CC free App to your mobile phone.
▪This preset aids to skin tones and hues in your everyday JPEG or RAW snaps. You’re not an expert? Try not to stress! The presets are really easy to use, one-click!
Therezita Sahita (verified owner) –
Repurchased untuk yg kesekian kalinya. Love it ❤️
Renny (verified owner) –
First preset & best deal. Banyak banget pilihannya dan suka banget 😍😍 Bakalan purchase lagi nihh
Anonymous (verified owner) –
Bagus bangettt💯
SITI NOOR UMAIRAH (verified owner) –
Very satisfied with all ur presets. Love it super much❤️ Thanks a lot for create the awesome presets.
Anonymous (verified owner) –
Suka banget preset nya! Banyak pilihan dan bagus22
Siti fatimah Al mukarramah (verified owner) –
Puas bgt presetnya bagus2 banyak banget sampe bingung milihnya 😂 thanl u kakak2 yg udh buat preset bundle iniii!
Latifah A.B. Saelan (verified owner) –
Beli preset bundle ini adalah sebuah investasi ✨ Bagus2 semuanya, thankyou para influencer yg udh bikin preset dgn sepenuh hati.
Vivi (verified owner) –
Preset nya keren sekali, puas banget sudah purchase preset influencer bundle ini. Very worth it! Love it.
Dewi J. (verified owner) –
Bagus bagus tapi emang harus di adjust lagi warna sama kecerahannya hehe karena tiap foto pasti warna yang dihasilkan beda beda yah
Anonymous (verified owner) –
Love this bundle set! Instantly pop up your dull pictures.
Anonymous (verified owner) –
First time nyoba beli preset dan hasilnya cucmey sekali 😍
Anonymous (verified owner) –
Awesome! Thank you
Ika Aulia (verified owner) –
35 mm keren, kadek arini series melali, sendu, jenik juga bikin gagal move on. Tambah lg influencer bundle ini😭😭😭. Kece bgt feeds aku skrg. Before after pake Ana 1
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Anonymous (verified owner) –
Very nice and easy to use! Thank you!
Nuriani N. (verified owner) –
Baguuuus cma ternyata byk merubah warna. It ok its awesome
Irene Komala (verified owner) –
Thank you Sarah Azka Preset. Fotoku langsung jadi cakep dalam sekejab dan makin estetik. Hihi. Gak repot lagi buat bikin tone di instagram dan edit foto lagi.
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Dessy Ramadhani (verified owner) –
yohanes (verified owner) –
semuanya, literally semuanya, beneran kepake dan cukup 1x klik aja! totally worth it 🙂
Asrijal Tayyeb (verified owner) –
Gak bingung lagi ngotak ngatik Lightroom yg kadang over lighting. Influencer bundling mantap
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Ni Made P. (verified owner) –
Presetnya keren keren. Cara aplikasinya juga gampang, tinggal 1 kali klik, foto kita jadi gaya seperti para influencer itu
Anonymous (verified owner) –
Suka banget sama collab ini, bisa pas buat jualan baru aku gak nyesel pokoknya. u guys must try !
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Anonymous (verified owner) –
Bagus banget